Anti-China propaganda 'based on ignorance'

Louise Nousratpour in Croydon
Tuesday May 27, 2008
The Morning Star

CPB congress: COMMUNIST Party delegates vowed on Monday to mobilise against the recent US-led anti-China propaganda in the run-up to the Beijing Olympics.

They said that the so-called Free Tibet campaign was dependent on "massive ignorance" about Tibetan and Chinese history and regretted that it had gained support from "misguided" sections in the left movement.

Executive committee member Gawain Little said that the recent economic crisis had turned imperialism's focus back on south-east Asia and China in particular.

"China's growing economic strength clearly poses a long-term threat to US dominance of a unipolar world," he stressed.

South London delegate Nigel Green said that, in light of next year's 50th anniversary of the overthrow of "autocratic" rule in Tibet by the Chinese communists, the CPB should organise a Hands Off Tibet campaign in the labour movement.

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