Minority groups challenge cuts' racial bias

Louise Nousratpour, Equalities Reporter
Thursday Augus 5, 2010
The Morning Star

A coalition of black and ethnic minority groups is to launch legal action against the government's "potentially illegal" spending cuts.

Cuts and job losses in the public sector could result in these communities facing unfair losses of essential front-line services in both the state and voluntary sectors, campaigners warned on Wednesday.

The cuts were also likely to lead to "unfair and huge redundancies and sackings" of black and ethnic minority public workers, they said.

The coalition, including Operation Black Vote (OBV) and the 1990 Trust, has written to ministers reminding them of their legal duty to complete a full race equality impact assessment on the looming budget reduction.

At the same time, it said it was seeking "advice and support" from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) in launching legal action against any breaches of the Equalities Act 2010.

It emerged on Wednesday that Home Secretary Theresa May had written to her Cabinet colleagues back in June outlining the legal requirement to evaluate and consult black and ethnic minority communities before wielding the axe.

1990 Trust chairman David Weaver said that ministers had failed to heed clear warnings that they would not only be breaking the law but also run the risk of worsening race inequality.

"We see no alternative but to initiate a judicial review," he said.

Mr Weaver stressed that this would not only be a test of government credentials around equality but also the solidarity of BME communities to effectively work together to demand justice and hold Westminster to account.

The women's campaigning group Fawcett Society has already filed papers with the High Court seeking a judicial review of the cuts.


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